Montrose Recreation Foundation
Who we are:
The Montrose Recreation Foundation raises awareness and generates support for the expansion of recreational opportunities within the Montrose Community. Their Mission is to enhance the health and quality of life for Montrose residents, the MRF emphasizes fundraising for youth recreation scholarships and capital improvements to expand recreational opportunities. The MRF works closely with the Montrose Recreation District Board of Directors and staff to accomplish its goals and vision.
Board members include:
Sara Slusarski-Chair, Megan Maddy-Vice Chair, Jen Suchon-Secretary, Amy Warthen, Kevin Davis, Russ Tomlin, Cate Wilson, Patty Voorhis, Terri Simon, Amanda Walker, Jody Monson.
The Montrose Recreation Foundation (MRF) appreciates donations to offer assistance to low-income, local residents so adults and youth can participate in Montrose Recreation District (MRD) programs, leagues, and other activities. We have helped many families and individuals over the past few years who otherwise would not be able to afford to be involved. Those who qualify may also receive assistance to take advantage of the MRD facilities such as the Montrose Recreation Center and the Field House. Through your donations, we aim to improve the overall health and happiness of Montrose. Our belief is that recreation and fitness are for everyone!The MRF's fundraising also supports recreation-oriented capital projects at the MRD.
History of the MRF:
2016: The MRF completes fundraising for the new Montrose Recreation Center!
2017: Upon completion of the Rec Center, the MRF turns its sights to fundraising for the scholarship program. Grants were actively pursued and funds increased. Over $20,000 was given out in scholarships to help individuals and families be able to participate in the MRD programs and sports!
2022+2023: Expansion continues with the Family Fee Assistance Membership Program (FFAM). This program is designed to increase access for very low-income families to the Montrose Community Recreation Center.